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2025 NORRA Mexican 1000: April 24 - May 2, 2025

Safari Expedition

What if you don’t own a race car? Well, the “Happiest Race On Earth!” is for everyone who loves the spectacular scenery, food, and rich culture of Baja; you don’t need to own a race car. Whether you want to run slow or fast (up to 60 mph), the non-competitive Safari Expedition is for you!

The Safari Expedition is unique to NORRA. It is a guided tour of Baja that puts you right in the mix of the Mexican 1000 or NORRA 500. You will take the green flag each day, follow parts of the racecourse, and have time for photos, scenic vistas, and local fare. You will see the Baja that only the most seasoned Baja travelers know. From spectacular missions to fabulous street tacos, your guide will make sure to get you to the best spots and across the finish line each night. Helmets and race suits are not required in this class, but we invite you to check the Safari section of the Vehicle Rules to get ready for the adventure.

Your entry fee includes all the basic race expenses including land use fees, rescue efforts; land and air, race ops monitoring, sweep, and recovery vehicles, as well as Fab School overnight repair stations at finish lines every day. NORRA has you covered.

Every occupant must purchase a Driver or Co Driver wristband that covers NORRA Membership. The wristband allows you entry to NORRA events that may include food, refreshments and/or entertainment. Welcome Fiestas during registration, finish line celebrations and Awards Ceremonies at the conclusion of the event give you the opportunity to celebrate the day’s experiences and have fun with your new friends.

Lodging, insurance and tracking is not included with your entry fee, but you will be able to purchase a hospitality package with your NORRA 500 registration. When you purchase the package in the Mexican 1000, you get accommodations that range from beautiful hotels to quaint inns. You will need to make your own arrangements for Ensenada and San Jose del Cabo, but there is plenty of availability in those two cities. You will get to enjoy every aspect of the Baja experience on your way to the finish line in San Jose Del Cabo. The NORRA 500 Safari hospitality package includes one night lodging in place to be announced. You will make your own arrangements for your stay in Ensenada. Hotel recommendations can be found here on the NORRA website.

The NORRA Safari Expedition will make you into a seasoned Baja explorer by the end of the race. Get your entry in today, and make sure to address everything on our checklist below.

Click on the desired topic(s) below. Questions? Text us at +1 844-566-7726.

Rally Alerts

Watch the NORRA News Page for rally alerts as they are released.

2025 NORRA Mexican 1000 Safari Pricing

Entry Fee $3,200
Insurance (required) $250
Tracker (required) $275
Hospitality Package (Optional) $722
Driver of Record
Wristband 280
NORRA Membership 100
Wristband 280
NORRA Membership 100
Crew, Friends and Family
Party Wristband, Including Awards 280

2025 Mexican 1000 Safari Schedule

Thu. Apr. 24 Registration / Tech, at the Riviera, Ensenada
Fri. Apr. 25 Registration / Tech, at the Riviera, Ensenada
Sat. Apr. 26 Ensenada ~ San Quintín
Sun. Apr. 27 San Quintín ~ Guerrero Negro
Mon. Apr. 28 Guerrero Negro ~ San Juanico
Tue. Apr. 29 San Juanico ~ Loreto
Wed. Apr. 30 Loreto ~ La Paz
Thu. May 1 La Paz ~ San José del Cabo (Finish!)
Fri. May 2 San José del Cabo (Post official results and awards)

Medical and Liability Insurance:

The insurance fee includes limited Medical and Liability Insurance.

  • Auto liability insurance from a Mexican company is required by law in order to drive in Baja California.
  • The insurance you purchase with your entry covers basic liability on and off the course for the vehicle you enter. Coverage starts 3 days before the Safari Expedition is scheduled to start the course and continues until 3 days after Safari is scheduled to finish the course. Please be sure you understand its limitations. You may purchase additional coverage.

Border Crossing

Details about border crossing will be distributed as a Rally Alert shortly before most teams will be departing for the event. At that time, you will be able to register all vehicles crossing the border with your entry.

Plan ahead! You will need the following:

  • A valid passport or passport card with an expiration date more than six months later than the date you enter Mexico. You can use a passport that has less than six months remaining as long as you leave Mexico before it expires, but you will need to apply for your FMM card in person at the border crossing.
  • Vaccinations. Discuss with your doctor at least two months in advance of travel. See the CDC Mexico Travel page for current U.S. recommendations.
  • Depending on your country of citizenship, you will need either a visa or an FMM (tourist card). U.S. citizens need an FMM. For other countries, check with a Mexican embassy or consulate in your area. Click here to get an FMM within 30 days of travel. You complete the form online and then print it. You need to get it validated at the border if you drive into Mexico. We are currently verifying the status of the FMM requirement with Mexico Migración
  • Valid registration for each vehicle.
  • Valid driver’s license for each driver. Mexico accepts licenses from your home country if they are in English or Spanish. They also accept International Driving Permits.
  • Be sure to bring some Mexican pesos. The best exchange rates are generally found in San Ysidro, California. In Mexico, check the rates at casas de cambio. If you use Mexican ATMs, you will incur high fees from both your bank and the Mexican bank.
  • There are limits on carrying certain items across the border, including the number of spare tires and spare parts. Some items must be declared, such as if you bring more than $10,000 cash. Fuel in containers is not allowed. More information at the Mexico Customs webpage and in the upcoming NORRA border crossing Rally Alert. See Visit Mexico for tourism information.

What to Bring on the Vehicle

  • ID and travel documents. (see Border Crossing)
  • Vehicle registration
  • Mexican insurance documents (see Insurance)
  • Camping gear
  • Clothing, drinking water, snacks, a lawn chair. Everything to ensure your comfort along the way
  • Prescription medications should be in their original, labeled bottles
  • Everything you normally bring when you go off road: a jack, tool kit, a full size spare tire, some replacement parts like an engine belt, and fuses.
  • Mosquito repellent for the lower half of Baja
  • First aid kit that includes bandages, some antihistamine, and aspirin for headaches. You can purchase first aid kits online, or at most pharmacies, or off road shops
  • Cash for taco stops and "just in case"
  • Do not leave valuables unattended in your vehicle
  • Fuel in containers cannot be brought into Mexico

If you have any questions, be sure to contact NORRA for answers.

Rules & Classes

2025 vehicles rules now uploaded.

The vehicle rules document includes a list of all vehicle categories (classes) with detailed descriptions.
Download the 2025 Vehicle Rules v 5.11 revised January 30, 2025 (PDF)

Download the General Rules v 4.1 revised February 7, 2024 (PDF) Note: These are currently being revised.

The NORRA Technology Eras


You are responsible for making your hotel and/or camping arrangements. If you book your own accomodations, NORRA is not reponsible for the booking and pricing practices of hotels and travel agents.

For the Mexican 1000 only, we offer a hospitality package. It includes a hotel room or camping spot at each stop, except you will need to make your own arrangements for Ensenada and San Jose del Cabo. There is plenty of availability in those two cities.

For the NORRA 500, you can easily book your own accomodations directly.

Click or touch here for a list of hotels in Ensenada and down the Baja peninsula.

Refund Policy

NORRA Refund and Credit Policy

  • All NORRA credits for previous events expire after the 2025 Mexican 1000.
  • If you withdraw your entry between January 1, 2024 and January 31, 2025, you will receive a refund of any payments made on or after January 1, 2025, less a $500 penalty.
  • If you withdraw your entry between February 1, 2025 and March 31, 2024, you will receive a NORRA credit for any payments made on or after January 1, 2025, less a $500 penalty. The credit expires after the next event.
  • No refund and no credit if you withdraw after March 31, 2025.
  • You may transfer your entry fee to another new entrant for the same race.

Maps, GPS and Road Books

Detailed maps, road books and GPS files will be available for download right before the race at Printed road books and roll charts will be available upon request at registration.

Mileage Maps will be released close to the event.

Click here to view the roadbook lexicon (PDF)

NORRA - National Off Road Racing Association. Home of the Mexican 1000 and the NORRA 500